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happy winter olympics sochi 2014!

As always, when it's time for the olympics, it's also time for sitting on our butts for hours on end and avoiding the news if we're watching the olympics delayed. It's always so much fun to see the best of the best do their stuff. It's also freaky to think that when the next winter olympics come around, Desmond will be four....

I just have a few thoughts as Parker and I watch the olympics every night. 

Just like most girly girls, my favorite event to watch is figure skating, with all the pretty jumps and sequins. It has been my favorite thing to watch as long as I can remember. Parker prefers anything that has to do with people doing tricks on skis. Cross country is WAY too boring.  

Things that have stood out to me are....

super G skiers can ski freakishly fast. 

I'm just really glad that I'm not the mothers of any of these skiers cuz I wouldn't be able to watch any of it. This event is one of my favorite events to watch cuz it's so amazing how fast they can go with just a pair of skis! I like the sound the skis make against the snow. Kind of like how a super fast plane sounds above you in the sky. 

I tend to look a little bit like this when I watch the skiers fly down the hill.

the biathlon is just training to survive as a fugitive in the Yukon.

Requirements? You need to ski fast and shoot accurate.... you know to escape the KGB.... I mean, win the gold medal! 

This is how I feel when they take FOREVER to shoot that last shot.

And when they finally take that shot but miss.

And then I think, Hanna wouldn't have missed. And if she did. She would have just missed your heart.

Meryl Davis and Charlie White are totes adorbs. 

Especially since they've been skating together since they were this little!

Although I've discovered ice dancing isn't my favorite because it's mostly about being in sync with your partner. 

Which is cool don't get me wrong! But I'd rather watch something like this.

The more dangerous it is, the better. That's my philosophy. 

Speaking of figure skating....

Yevgeny Plushenko is strangely sexy.

Is it perhaps he's the more masculine of the male figure skaters?

Okay.... maybe not that much more masculine. I think I like him because he much more, what's the word, serious? Yeah, he takes what he does seriously.

He's especially serious compared to some other American male figure skaters that we know....

Not impressed with silly smiling Americans!

But he sure skates like the most graceful, robot-alien man ever in creation, in that he doesn't make mistakes. Ever. 

That's why I reacted like this when he retired from the games before he could do his solo event.

I went through the five stages of grieving.  


No. Just. No. Uh uh.




You're back doesn't hurt that bad. Please just skate. For me?


I'm just gonna go in a dark corner and cry now.


Well, I guess now that you've shown us his scar, I can be okay with him not skating. sniff sniff.

And one more thing I've learned from Sochi Winter Olympics.

Yulia Lipnitskaya is a freak.


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