By this time in our trip, our group has already seen Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well at the Globe . . . which was superb. Today, we got to take a tour of the theatre itself. Might be one of my favorite sight seeing things I have done. It's just that I have spent so many school years learning about this theatre and the time of Shakespeare. I feel like all I had learned didn't really stick until today. I was there. I was in the space where it all happened. It's true what my English professors say, that if you really want to major in English, your life wouldn't be fulfilled to you come to England. Everything I have learned just gels together all of a sudden. It's beautiful. A wonderful event in earth's history. A stunning creation wrought by humankind.
After our enlightening tour, we went to the remains of the Rose theatre, where Shakespeare actually performed a lot of his plays, along with Christopher Marlowe. I won't go into that very much because, honestly, there wasn't much to see. Although there was a video with Sir Ian McKellen. That was cool.
Following this, we were able to go to the Globe Exhibition, which was awesome!!!
My favorite part was they had little booths with the names of famous British actors and various Shakespeare monologues next to the actors. You could press a button in one of the booths and actually hear a particular actor delivering the monologue over the speakers. Maybe it doesn't sound nearly as cool as I thought it was . . . but I loved it!!!! I got to hear Marlon Brando (I am aware he isn't British) be Henry V, and Ian Holm (Bilbo!) be Richard III. That was really awesome and wonderfully creepy, and the highlight of my day.
I apologize for the lack of pictures. Don't worry. They are coming! Next we went to Borough Market, just down the way from the Globe and Rose theatre. Holy Food-ness!!!! I mean, just look at it. LOOK AT IT!!!!!!
Just a few images from our walk around:
And then, we decided to go to Clink's Debtor's Prison Museum. It was the exact location where Charles Dickens's parents were for awhile as he worked as a lad putting labels on bottles to work off their debt and provide for himself. The museum is a bit indulgent and a tad bit tacky, but was still fun.
This isn't what it really looked like. It was so dark in there that I was forced to use the flash. This corner is actually very dark and you can barely see anything. You can only see him because there is one candle lit there in front of him. They would have lightning come in flashes every now and again and you could see him better. I think that was my favorite part of the museum. They had a plaque about the religious prisoners they held there.
This was used when the prisoners were irritating the guards with their complaining. If the prisoners complained about their situation too much, they could put this bridle around their head, holding their mouth shut. Some were morbid enough as to put a spike just about the tongue so that if they did try to talk . . . yeah you get the idea.
They also had a torture device that would compound the person as tightly as they could, opposite of the rack. There was one man who endured through both torture methods. I'm sure it was for posterity.
This one just made me laugh :) I want a bejeweled chastity belt!
And really big mushrooms!
I am so jealous of you. Gaaaah! But. I miss you more than that. And I love you even more than that.
ReplyDeleteWow, you weren't kidding when you said there was lots of food! I remember we actually had an orange juicer like that back when I was working at Jamba. Also, I agree with Kellie. Also, my sister is super jealous of you too. I told her you got to see The Globe, and she just about freaked. :) It was funny.
ReplyDeleteMegan, you can keep the theaters and the chasity belt, I want that cheese!! Wow. I could eat that cheese and bread for weeks. The english cheddar looked so good. And some mushrooms as well please. I would even sit with the penny stinkers if I could get some of that cheese, maybe even wear the dang belt. Well maybe not. But now I will dream of cheese all night.
ReplyDeleteSo I was reading along, thinking that the Shakespeare stage was pretty cool...until I saw the food! Oh my. There's no way I would be able to control myself. I would want to sample all! And the torture stuff? I knew that it was pretty prevalent, but I guess I didn't realize it would be in all the museums and stuff. Crazy.
ReplyDeleteHope you're doing good! We miss you.