It's moments like these when I suddenly remember, "Oh! Right. I
am in London." Today I walked off the tube station and first thing I saw, and pretty much the only thing visible was the Houses of Parliament. Too cool. It was bad lighting at this moment, and I tried to take cool pictures, but they were all coming out dark :( Better luck next time I hope.
Today, we hoped we would get into Westminster, but there was a line of people like two miles long. Not even joking. I guess it's the last day they keep up the wedding decor, so everyone wants to see it before evidence of the wedding is completely gone. I was bummed that I couldn't see it, but I figured it would be just fine to wait a week or two till all the pesky tourists leave :) Which doesn't include me . . . of course not! But here's a little preview to keep you satisfied for now

Once again, it's really hard to capture the reality of this situation with a single picture. The reality is, there was so much to take in in one single structure, and I could have stood there in awe all day long.
So instead of Westminster, we took a little trip to . . . . .

Buckingham Palace!!!! (Get some fancy procession British music in your head)
If you can see that flag on top of the palace, it means that the queen is home . . . which is great, but that also means you can't go inside :( Instead, we visited her stables and took an audio tour. It's a lot cooler than it sounds. Trust me.
The stables are actually called Mews. They have all the carriages and horses that the queen owns.

This the carriage best known as the bride carriage, although the carriage Kate and Will drove in is coming next and is much more grand.

The carriage weighs 4 tons. That's why there are two men on horses because the carriage is way too heavy to control from the carriage itself.

Sorry about all the pictures. I was quite taken with this carriage. For a moment, I wished I could be Kate riding in that carriage in that gorgeous wedding dress, waving to all those crazy drunk Brits crowding the streets.
And then there was food.

We all got some pasta to go and ate in this little park just down the street from the palace. It was such a nice atmosphere and good food that I didn't want the moment to end, despite the bird poop in the grass.
To finish off our lovely Friday, our group went to see Mousetrap. It's a wonderful Agatha Christi play. Just think about the game clue and picture it on stage, except ten times more awesome. That essentially is Mousetrap. I had seen the play before when I was in high school, so it was really fun to watch it when I knew the end!

Can you see me? I'm right there. Does that help :)
Westminster Abbey is unreal. I totally get what you mean about just looking at it all day. It almost feels that way with just a photo. That carriage is so GOLD! I mean, I saw it on tv and everything, but it just didn't seem so gold then :) Love all the pics Meg.