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Showing posts from 2014

happy winter olympics sochi 2014!

As always, when it's time for the olympics, it's also time for sitting on our butts for hours on end and avoiding the news if we're watching the olympics delayed. It's always so much fun to see the best of the best do their stuff. It's also freaky to think that when the next winter olympics come around, Desmond will be four.... I just have a few thoughts as Parker and I watch the olympics every night.  Just like most girly girls, my favorite event to watch is figure skating, with all the pretty jumps and sequins. It has been my favorite thing to watch as long as I can remember. Parker prefers anything that has to do with people doing tricks on skis. Cross country is WAY too boring.   Things that have stood out to me are.... super G skiers can ski freakishly fast.  I'm just really glad that I'm not the mothers of any of these skiers cuz I wouldn't be able to watch any of it. This event is one of my favorite events to watch cuz it&#

my life in gifs

Since I haven't posted in the past two years, I feel like I need to catch everyone up. But instead of writing it all down, I will tell my story in gifs. So here is the last two years in gifs! when people keep asking why we aren't married yet.  when old people told me that marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be and I'll be hating my husband after the first week. Parker and I trying to find a quiet place to hang out in an apartment with three other engaged people. When I'd much rather be with my love than stuck in class. Like right after we finally got married. When I was asked when I want kids before getting married. When I was asked when I want kids AFTER getting married When I found out I was pregnant. And about 8 months later.... Thoughts on natural birth before the big day. Thoughts on natural birth during. After the epidural. Realizing that lump in my tummy i

happy valentines day

Well, apparently I only write in this blog about once or twice a year. That's a little embarrassing. My excuse? Well let's see. . . . marriage, graduating college, moving twice, making and taking care of a human child. It's a good thing this blog isn't really about my day to day life because I would have A LOT to catch up on. Today, being Valentines Day, I feel inspired to write something particularly festive. I've seen a few posts about the worst TV couples. I would like to do the opposite and say what my favorite couples are, whether it's TV or movies or what ever. WARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS. 1 . Buffy and Angel - When I think of fantastic couples, my mind first goes to Joss Whedon couples. In the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy and Angel were the first main couple to develop. I think I was incredibly excited about this couple because it was a human/vampire relationship that wasn't Bella and Edward! For that was the only human/vampire relat