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The Best Albums of All Time

These days when someone asks me what my favorite album is, I automatically think of Florence + the Machine. Not only are they so incredibly amazing, they are consistently so. Every song is a new adventure of twinkling harps, intense drums, and of course, the gorgeous voice of Florence that is about as feminine as it is dangerous, mysterious, and strong.

My favorite songs off this album are as follows (and when I say favorite, I mean I would like dry up and die if I couldn't listen to these songs anymore)

1. Cosmic Love
2. Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up)
3. Howl
4. Blinding
5. My Boy Builds Coffins

And from the B-sides

1. Swimming
2. Heavy in Your Arms
3. Bird Song

2. Demon Days, Gorillaz

When I first heard this album, I had heard very little about Gorillaz. I thank my cousin Brenna every day for exposing me to such awesomeness. I believe it was THE album that caused me to be a little more open-minded about the music I like. I realized it was weird music. I knew it was strange. But I also knew beyond a doubt that I absolutely loved it! It was an interesting discovery to make about myself. They make the coolest songs out of the strangest noises. I feel like it's a very subliminal album. I have no choice but to love the sound.


1. Kids With Guns
2. Dare
3. Feel Good Inc.
4. Last Living Souls
5. O Green World
6. Each Planet We Reach is Dead (basically half the album is my favorite :)

3. Play, Moby

This is another pivotal album that made me realize that I like pretty interesting music. It's not like I'm calling myself hipster or anything. It was just surprising to me what kind of music I take pleasure in. Oh this album . . . . :) It reminds me of driving to school in my freezing cold van. The only source of comfort I had was this CD. Every song is a bizarre but epicly introspective. Makes you want to dance one moment, and then makes you want to cry . . . . or write some really dark poem :)


1. Rushing
2. Machete
3. Down Slow
4. If Things Were Perfect
5. Everloving
6. Porcelain

4. Open Door, Evanescence

My favorite out of the three albums out from Evanescence. I feel in this album, she took a darker, sexier side than her debut, which I am always a fan of. She seemed to take a deep dive into the modern, female psyche into a dark, mysterious rock underworld.


1. Lithium
2. Cloud Nine
3. Like You
4. Lose Control
5. The Only One

5. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, Sarah McLachlan

I believe that this album is the pride and joy of the 90's as far as music goes. Yes. That is a bold statement, and I believe it with all my heart. If any album as a tone or atmosphere, it's Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. It's so dark, and sad, and creepy, and sexy, and . . . . I seem to have a pattern don't I? I guess that is just what I enjoy :) Judge me all you like. I feel like it's a very mysterious album, as far as the music and lyrics go. It's like she's allowing you to peek into her the dark corners of her life, without actually showing you anything. There is passion, fear, loneliness, heartbreak, and love.


1. Possession
2. Wait
3. Plenty
4. Elsewhere
5. Ice
6. Fear

6. Elysium for the Brave, Azam Ali

When I think of this album, a breathe and audible sigh of pleasure. This album is the personification of everything mystical, dark, sexy, and awesome. (I will try to branch out of the dark sexy stuff okay!) I also think of vampires. Yes, there is a reasonable explanation for this. For my 17th birthday, my sister Bree gave me two presents: Dracula by Bram Stoker and this album. I thought to myself, why don't I read this book while listening to the new CD I got. I found out, it was a perfect combination. It's also a great CD to do yoga to.


1. Endless Reverie
2. In Other Worlds
3. Abode
4. Forty One Ways
5. The Tryst

7. Morning View, Incubus

This album is my favorite of the Incubus albums. It's the more . . . positive feeling album from the rest, which I know is strange since apparently I like dark things. It's not like it's happy go lucky happy. I guess it's hard to explain why I like it so much. It's just a beautiful album that makes me feel good and peaceful inside :)


1. Wish You Were Here
2. Mexico
3. Echo
4. 11am
5. Aqueous Transmission

8. Absolution, Muse

This was a very difficult decision to make: which Muse album is the best in my opinion. Because it would simply be silly if I didn't have Muse on this list. I would be inviting myself to open mockery. It was between Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations. In my mind, I knewBlack Holes and Revelations was a very solid album and that I vastly enjoy it. But in my heart, I knew Absolution was first in my affections. I just love it. I don't know if I can say anything more concerning the matter. I think when I just need to rock out and feel awesome, I listen to Muse, particularly this album.


1. Butterflies and Hurricanes
2. Endlessly
3. Hysteria
4. The Small Print
5. Time is Running Out

9. Legend, Bob Marley

Oh Bob Marley. I LOVE BOB MARLEY!!! More than anything, he makes me so, so, so, happy. I don't know what it is about that man. I usually get bored with the Jack Johnson, easy going, guitar stuff. It's good stuff, dont' get me wrong. I just can't listen to an entire album of it. Except when it comes to Bob Marley. And I chose Legend because it simply has all my favorite songs on one album.


1. Is This Love
2. Could You Be Loved
3. No Woman No Cry
4. Three Little Birds
5. Buffalo Soldier
6. Jamming
7. Redemption Song

10. Ceremonials, Florence + the Machine

I star with Florence, and I end with Florence. I haven't decided if I think this album is better than her first or not. It is certainly different. More dark, and introspective. I'm just at a loss as to how someone gets these songs out of their head and into a song. This album had me crying, tapping my foot, and creeped out, depending on the song. Some songs would have me doing all three.


1. Only If For A Night
2. What the Water Gave Me
3. Never Let Me Go
4. Seven Devils
5. Leave My Body
6. Strangeness and Charm
7. Bedroom Hymns


  1. Great list. Now I have a few albums to add to my "To Listen" list. :)


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