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The UK and Me!

I have finally arrived in the UK!!!

Although I have been lethargic and in a dream like state since I departed from Salt Lake yesterday morning, I have already seen so many things that take my breath away. The six flights of stairs I take to get to my flat, quite literally take my breath away and make my thighs burn. Really, not much has happened, and yet, I feel that I already have so much to talk about. I really don't want to talk about the flights . . . basically all you need to know is that I found my way quite easily all by myself and hardly slept at all, though I'm sure my dad's sleeping pill helped a lot. Also, on the red eye the seat next to me was free so I got to take up extra space and extra blankets and pillows :)

Well, I arrived in England around 6:30 am their time, 10:30 pm Utah time. I was able to get through customs quite easily and find this girl named Tiffany in my program. We got to brave the Heathrow Express and taxis together. It was nice to not be alone after all that time of uncertainty on the flights.

We arrived at the flats . . . uh . . . I really don't remember since I've been half asleep all day. Maybe around 9:30? Anyway. The flats are really nice and the girls I share a floor with are awesome! I am excited to do awesome things with them. Ariatna is my roommate, and I couldn't ask for anything more out of a study abroad roommate. I am just really relieved that I am not the smartest one in my group. Let's just say, I am a really good follower :)

My most favorite feature about my flat is that I am on the very top floor and have an an excellent view. I can actually crawl out of my window and on to the roof!!! It's so awesome!!!! I think there will be plenty of parties on that roof. Here are some photos:

Can you believe that is literally a few steps from my window!!! I would be happy sitting on that roof all day long . . . if I didn't know that I was in London and there are plenty more important things to do.

Then the entire class went on a little stroll around the block and I couldn't help but take some pictures. I would have taken a lot more if I wasn't afraid of losing my group. We are located right outside Hyde Park. Apart from that, I am quite unclear of my exact location. I know there is Gloucester and Kensington road and stuff.

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Reminds me of The Parent Trap a little bit. For all you literary nerds, this is where Virgina Woolf lived. Yes, I currently live just down the street from where she would have lived back in the day. There is just all these random little treasures that you can find here if you take the time to look. Although, for the more popular things like the Royal Wedding, I don't think one has to look too far.


  1. It's beautiful Megan. I'm so excited for you!

  2. It's gorgeous! Looks a lot like Provo. You should stand out on your rooftop every night and sing to the world below (or at least howl).

    Could we get pictures of what your flat looks like inside?

  3. Meg! Oh my gosh, it is so beautiful! I'm SO glad you posted some pics.

  4. Meg, I am so happy for you. You deserve to love England and for England to love you. I hope that sleep comes easy and that you enjoy all that there is to enjoy. I am looking forward to seeing all you see. Have a blast!

  5. Very beautiful! Looks very Charles Dickensish, only not dirty. Glad to see the pictures!


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